I had the absolute thrill to attend my first "con" this weekend. The Hollywood Expo; where television, movies, comic books and science fiction collided to form a universe of fans. I have to admit, I was reticent about attending as I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm not big on crowds and being in my 30's, I feared being the older and strange one. I should have known better of Star Trek fans. There were no strange people, the ages ran the gamut and while the occasional oddity appeared ("Thong Man"), it was all in good fun.
There were panels of writers, actors, set designers and crew providing insight and anecdotes (or "antidotes" as one writer pronounced it). There were sellers of memorabilia that transported you in an instant back to childhood ("I had that toy/model /poster back in 19xx!") and creative personalities galore. Out of nostalgia, I purchased my first comic book in more decades than I care to admit. I'll give it to my nephew, as the connection is what I actually purchased and the hopes it will kindle the spirit of science fiction in his young eyes. A dollar well spent.
I do however regret passing on the Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass vinyl.
Some of the TrekXpo experiences include: A panel with Richard Hatch & Herb Jefferson, Jr. (The original BSG Apollo and Boomer, respectively) and an original Trek panel. The biggest panel treat for me was Suzie Plakson, Michael Dorn and Jonathon Frakes known mostly from (but by no means exclusively) The Next Generation. In addition to Dorn's singing an obscure showtune, Frakes not only answered questions, but also ran into the audience to ask them! They were all bright, funny and engaging despite a rather small audience.
Embarrassments abounded which was also part of the fun. In grabbing my first ever autograph, I met Suzie Plakson (who was amazingly nice) and yes I made an ass out of myself but at least I stopped short of screaming "No! No! I want an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!" I'm quite sure she surveyed the parking lot for my short bus upon checking out of the hotel.
I also narrowly avoided running directly into a gracious Herb Jefferson, Jr. en route to the men's room. But two men frantically grappling for access to a restroom is not a tale I'd care to blog about. I won't speak for him, but I blame excessive coffee for my own desperation. Two men enter, one man leaves. My apologies Herb, but welcome to the Thunderdome.
What I enjoyed the most? It wasn't the costumes or seeing the celebrities, it was meeting people I'd spoken to on Twitter and then passionately conversing on our shared interest. At the con, we all were members of the Federation. In an impromptu discussion over coffee and (ok yes, lots of liquor), we defended our favorites of the franchise. (Enterprise!!) One new friend commented that at its base Star Trek is an allegory of society and our interactions with different nations. I countered that it's a message of hope, that humanity still exists 300 years from now despite our present planetary differences. You know who was right? All of us.
The different interpretations are why we watch each series and movie within the franchise again and again. It's why we gather together in places we normally would never venture. There's a place for all of us in Star Trek, which doesn't care where you're from, who you are, rich or poor, gay or straight, religious or atheist. There's no judging amongst laughter and I don't think I went longer than 5 minutes between each outburst.
I would be remiss if I didn't break down the topics. Ask those in attendance for a more in depth explanation, the stammering might even be more amusing than the tale itself. New (and by any definition unique) technology concepts were explored. There were bacon heists, zombie fish, broken dishes, chowder bowl coffee, dancing waiters, tales of Halloween etiquette, bartering for flying lessons and I believe I even saw emergency services at one point. I will end the topics portion by advising you all to purchase a bedazzler. It might become a hot accessory item very soon.
Still all in all it was the friendships that meant the most. I may never be able to attend another Trek Con, time away is rather difficult to obtain but I'm so very glad I went this year. (Thank you Melissa for inviting me!!) It was an amazing weekend; although I couldn't attend on Sunday it is an experience I will not forget and memories that I will cherish.
Herb might not cherish it but I'm certain he won't forget.
The BEST "con" group EVER! |
No Caption comes to mind except... I look...strange and she senses that I am. |
Awesome panel: Plakson, Dorn & Frakes. Thanks to Christina for this pic! |
That is Jonathon Frakes firing off questions! |
Melissa holds up "Grimm's Fairy Tales!" I almost bought that! |
First comic in decades. |
That was no warriors drink.... |
The entire place was filled with sushi. |
Thanks to Melissa for grabbing this pic! |
NCC-1701-A Enterprise |
NX-01 Enterprise |