
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Star Trek KHAAAAN!

On August 10th I attended my first real Star Trek Convention. (No offense to TrekExpo, which was very fun!)
I spent five days surrounded by Star Trek, giants in the field of science fiction, Leonard Nimoy's final appearance and yet... I went to one panel. Why? Because I was having the best time I can honestly recall. I met new friends, put faces to old friends that I'd never seen and talked to people from literally half the world away. I danced for the first time in years, I drank much more heavily than I should have, saw the actual Vegas strip and sat idly by while my kidney was being bartered. I didn't miss a thing.

Because that's what Star Trek is to me. It's not so much the props, the music or even the acting. It's the reaction by the fans, the camaraderie and the ability of this franchise much more than any other, to draw from all walks of life. We may dislike the odd number movies or have our personal preferences but we all agree... Star Trek has impacted our lives.
In the next blog I may make some actual references to the events, but for now there were far too many to individually list. To those who were there, thank you so very much for every laugh and moment that made my heart swell. For those who couldn't attend, I truly hope to see you next year!

Live Long & Prosper!