
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Right to Judge?

<<Additional reposting from my previous blog.>>

“I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost.

Jacob Marley from Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. The older I become the more I appreciate the meaning but I don’t think we wait until the afterlife to bear the chains.

Each misstep, thoughtless action, harmful word or deed, youthful indiscretion and even mistakes recognized only after the fact, add weight to the chain. Whether the chain is nearly weightless or worth slabs of granite, once taken it’s never truly relinquished and the shame of each link never fades. Some carry the weight well, hardly noticing the pull. Others carry it Atlas-like, with aching backs and trembling legs, in mortal fear of adding another link that might lay them low. Make no mistake, we’re all encumbered to some degree and we’re all damaged by our chains no matter how delicate the craftsmanship. Few if any would reject the opportunity to go back to correct that first misstep.

Don’t judge a person too quickly by the weight of their chains; it’s who they were and mistakes they’ve made. If you must judge them, let it rather be by their willingness to lighten the burden of others or strides to improve themselves, that’s who they are and who they’re trying to be.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

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