
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We look but do not see.

The holidays are fast approaching.  Shopping last week just before Halloween I saw the signs of Christmas decorations even before Thanksgiving.  I know retailers are hurting but honestly, that's a little early for me.
For some the holidays are a magical time; it's gathering around the hearth singing carols, spending time with family and the smell of gingerbread in the air.  For some it's at best just another time of year.  At worst it's a struggle to survive the elements and fearful of their safety.
I had every intention of a lighter blog tonight, until I got back from my local food bank that also helps with a homeless mission.  I try to spend a few hours when I can helping to fill bags, unload trucks, whatever use they can find for me but sometimes the images are a little hard to shake. 
They're the invisible citizens.  The ones we may view in passing and try to forget.  Afraid of the stark reality that "there but for the grace..."
In the wealthiest nation on the planet, we have children going hungry and veterans sleeping under bridges.  Alone, cold, forgotten and wondering whatever it is they may have done to deserve such a fate.
Here's some facts on the homeless.  Over 3.5 million will face homelessness at least temporarily in a given year. 40% of those will be families with children and 23% of the homeless are veterans. 1.37 million homeless will be under the age of 18.  When I was 18 my biggest source of anxiety was whether stonewash jeans were going out of style.  No child should ever have to worry about having a roof over their heads or food to eat.
I'm not saying we should all run out and give away our possessions.  Many of us are struggling to make ends meet ourselves, some only a paycheck away from being a statistic.  What I am saying is we can do more and it's not always about money.  If you are in a position to help, please do so in whatever manner you can.  Food banks need canned goods and the Salvation Army can use old clothes and toys.  Want to know a surprise? The biggest demand at most homeless shelters are for new socks and tupperware.
The common thread among all of the charitable organizations is need of your time and attention. We can't wish away the problems and we can't ignore the voices crying in silence. Just be involved and each day be thankful for at least one blessing in your life.
Thank you for taking the time to read.

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