
Monday, November 1, 2010

Your Right. Your Voice. Vote.

"Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Tomorrow is election day in the United States and if you're like me, it hasn't come soon enough.  In September I wrote a piece ( speaking of the partisanship divide in this election cycle.  The Jon Stewart 'rally to restore sanity' aside, the word still hasn't gotten out that we're tired of the rhetoric and the ads from both sides of the aisle have been caustic to say the least.  I'm still waiting for the ad beginning "Is Candidate XX a cannibal? He's never publically stated he isn't.  What is he hiding? Vote for Candidate BB.  He doesn't eat people. And that's on the record."
Ok maybe that's a little farfetched but you get my point.
I'm not asking you to vote in any direction, whether you vote Republican, Democrat or Independent, your views are your own as is your right to a private ballot.  All I ask is that you do vote.  Vote with your conscience and your mind and be informed.  Use this evening to explore the candidates' positions and propositions/initiatives within your state.  This fundamental process is the most precious of all rights and the bedrock of the Republic.  Our nation was founded upon and paid bitterly for your right to vote; it's our voices that dictate the direction of the nation.  It baffles me that most are willing to wait in line for hamburgers and dry cleaning, only to proclaim they can't make the time to cast a ballot.
If you've not registered, please look at your districts as there are some that allow same day registrations.  If you're confused at the booth by electronic voting machines, ask questions of the polling attendants.  While they cannot tell you for whom or what to vote for, they can assist in the process.
I will leave with a final thought; it doesn't matter if your candidate or issue fails.  What matters is that democracy endures and that can only be achieved with a vote.  It's the one day that 'We The People" play an active role in the governance of our nation. It's your right and your voice.  Please use it.
Thank you for taking the time to read.

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